Charitable Donations & Sponsorships

At Floortrends, we value the communities in which we live and work and are happy to be able to give back. Our goal is to partner with community-oriented organizations that benefit the local community and serve a broad spectrum of the population.



We value the communities in which we live and work and are happy to be able to give back. The goal of our corporate giving is to partner with organizations that benefit the local communities in which we live and work.

Local events, sports teams, and individual player sponsorships are made by individual Estimators at Floortrends. Please contact the estimator you work with for sponsorship requests.

Charitable donations focus on non-profit organizations based in the local community. We partner with organizations that seek to fill the greatest need and serve a broad spectrum of the population.

BGC Kawartha | Floor Trends

Boys & Girls Club Kawartha Lakes

Boys & Girls Club Kawartha Lakes provides a place where kids can have new experiences, overcome barriers, develop positive relationships, and build confidence and skills for life.

Eds House | Floor Trends

Ed’s House Northumberland Hospice Care Centre

Located in Cobourg, ON Ed’s House provides care and dignity for the dying and their families with great empathy and skill.

Five Counties | Floor Trends

Five Counties Children’s Centre

Five Counties Children’s Centre provides vital support to children and youth with physical, developmental and communication needs in Peterborough County, City of Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland County and Haliburton County/Minden.

Charitable Donations & Sponsorships | Floor Trends

Gleaner’s Food Bank

A member of Feed Ontario and Food Banks Canada, Gleaner’s operates a warehouse that serves 7 other area foodbanks, multiple non-profit agencies and other organizations providing food and resources to people who are hungry in the Quinte Region.

Hearth place | Floor Trends

Golf Fore Hearth Place

This event supports Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, Durham Region’s only cancer support centre, providing assistance for those diagnosed with cancer as well as their loved ones.
Habitatfor Humanity | Floor Trends

Habitat For Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha

Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to mobilize volunteers and community partners in building affordable housing and promoting affordable homeownership. Habitat gives a ‘hand-up’ not a ‘hand-out’ to low-income, working families and individuals by offering no down payment and geared to income monthly payments. Since 2002, Habitat PKR has empowered 83 families through affordable homeownership in the Peterborough and Kawartha Region.
Kawartha Food Share | Floor Trends

Kawartha Food Share

KFS assists over 8,900 men, women, and children every month through their 4 meal programs, 4 city food banks, 6 housing projects, 7 county food banks, and over 20 food cupboards in Peterborough and Peterborough County. KFS also provides heathy snacks, breakfast, and meal programs to feed over 17,000 children every day

Kawartha Lakes Food Source | Floor Trends

Kawartha Lakes Food Source

Kawartha Lakes Food Source strives to reduce hunger in the City of Kawartha Lakes by maintaining a central distribution centre to support member organizations that provide food to those in need, raising public awareness about food insecurity through education, working in concert with our community, and addressing local needs through the creation and implementation of resilience-based programs.

Charitable giving is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

To request a charitable donation or sponsorship please email Walk-in or phone solicitation will not be accepted.

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